Testimonials …

"... Angela is clearly comfortable in the interim FD role. She is able to analyse taxation issues relating to the business, understand consequences and implications arising whilst considering how to deal with these at a strategic level ..."

Gavin West, Director, Ernst & Young
(business partner)

"... I highly recommend Angela as an impactful finance professional who will add value to a business ..."

Andrew Hall, previous CFO, Talarius plc

"Ange joined Generator as the Finance Director at a time of rapid growth and quickly became a very valuable asset to the Partners. She was a great team player, fitted in with the agency culture quickly and proved to be a highly effective Finance Director. Her true value came to the fore when we were approached by a global agency group with the intention of acquiring the company. Ange was an integral part of the due diligence, acquisition negotiation and the terms of the sale and settlement process. Post acquisition, which was effectively a reverse merger, Ange assumed the Finance Director role of the new entity and seamlessly transitioned from working for local owners to what was now reporting structures and the rigorous requirements of international owners. Ange is a valuable asset to any company and is an experienced, intelligent and highly trustworthy Finance Director. I have no hesitation in recommending her."

Nick Baylis, Founder, Generator

"... Angela has shown great commitment to the business, has excelled in the various roles that she has held and helped to drive the business to the position that it is in today. Praesepe grew by acquisition at a great speed and Angela was instrumental in leading the finance team during this period of constant change to ensure that systems, processes and staff were able to accommodate this growth and that the Board were provided with quality information. She is technically sound, fully committed and enthusiastic in all she tackles ..."

Nick Harding, CEO, Praesepe plc

"... Angela is a highly capable, efficient and experienced finance professional with a most amenable disposition. She has a high level of integrity and a positive attitude and is a pleasure to work with ..."

Susan Ball, previous CFO of Praesepe plc

"... My work brings me into contact with many people in Angela's position (interim FD) - she is up amongst the best ..."

Richard Ross, Director, Chadwicks Limited
(business partner)

"Angela acted as our Finance Director for a number of years. She approached the job with great energy and enthusiasm and provided valuable advice to our board of Directors. Angela has a rare combination of financial expertise and a positive, pragmatic mindset."

Andrew Kitching, Managing Director, Guthrie Douglas

"By way of introduction, I've worked in advertising agencies for twenty years, including being on the Board of Saatchi & Saatchi London in the early 1990's. I'm currently the Advisor to Simon Moutter, the CEO of New Zealand's largest company, Telecom.

In 1995 I set up Generator in New Zealand. Three years after setting up Generator, we had thirty employees and a range of clients including BMW, RedBull, Singapore Airlines, Firestone and Telstra. Angela joined us as Financial Director.
I tend to be someone who is better at attracting clients, building revenues and setting cost expectations rather than being too involved in the deeper financial aspects of a business. Because of that, I need to be able to highly trust the Finance people I work with. I need to believe they are operating with high ethics, with a sensible mind and that they know when money needs to be released versus held. I also need to know that they will gain the trust of the Clients, Banks, Accountancy Advisors, Legal Firms and Auditors … and fellow employees. Angela never let me down in any of those other aspects. She was a joy to work with.

In 2000, we were approached out of the blue by a company who were keen to purchase our business and for us to take over their existing New Zealand operation of seventy five people making us a combined business of about a hundred people. We had four weeks to very confidentially complete the negotiations. Angela and I worked together 6-7 days a week for 12-15 hours a day to ensure the deal was right for both parties, our Clients and our people. In the end our business was sold for about eight million pounds. I have no doubt that the success of the deal was in no small part down to Angela's thoroughness and her ability to win the confidence of the purchaser.
We then successfully integrated the businesses and built the new business over the next three years. Sadly Angela then decided to return to the UK.

If you're a hands on kind of person, I'm sure you will realise that Angela's skills and trustworthiness are second to none. If you are the kind of person like me who sees their role as getting on and running a business and needs someone you can completely trust to ensure all is being done to ensure the business is successful and operating to the highest legal and audit standards , Angela is your person. I would hire her again if I had the chance and would recommend her to any business owner "

Andrew Stone, Founder, Generator