Why work with a Consultant Finance Director?

Essential Financial Consultancy (EFC) was founded in 2013. This was a lifestyle choice in order to balance the competing demands of motherhood with my personal drive and competitive spirit to excel in the working world.

Thank goodness that life moves on!

The services are refined to focus on the areas of the business that I am passionate about and where we can add the most value to you, “the Client”.

Working closely with the leadership team and providing a sounding board to the business owner(s) is key to the value gained from the investment you are making in a part-time FD. Investment in the development of the finance team is also key, in order to continually grow the internal capabilities of the business.

I am definitely not a ‘typical’ Finance individual and feedback from past and current clients includes descriptors such as personable, reliable, approachable, cool, calm and collected, the “ying to our yang'' and an absolute pleasure to work with. Accuracy and efficiency go without saying.

I personally guarantee high quality services in a language you will understand.

If you are interested in a no-obligation conversation on how we may work together, I would love to hear from you.